...Novice Additional Information

Affiliated Players to a maximum of three are allowed. Affiliates are to replace players not coming to the tournament, not to bolster rosters. ie: If a team has 15 registered players all year they may only play with up to 15 players in the tournament.
Any player name that appears on the tournament registration form but does not appear on the Provincial registration forms must have proof of birth date, association affiliation, and normal playing level.
Players not listed on the Tournament Registration form may not participate.  Registered players can play on one team only.
A player may participate with one team only.
Every attempt is made to ensure that your team will be slotted into the proper competitive level.
Final team placement is at the discretion of the tournament committee. Every attempt will be made to place
Please note the tournament provides a maximum of twenty (20) awards (medals, t-shirts, etc.) per team which includes all players and coaching staff.
 There is no game cost or fees. All games feature Free Entry.
The Tournament normally books in excess of 1200 rooms at local area hotels for use by parents and players. We have a complete listing of hotels and motels in HRM. Those that are offering reduced rates are hockey friendly. The rates at these hotels are discounted and thus better than what teams can get directly. All booking is arranged by our Accommodations Registrar. We ask that teams support the hotels that support the tournament.
Full details will be provided by contacting Ginnie Clark at 902-462-5992 or via email registrar@sedmha.com .
Team transportation while at the tournament is the team’s responsibility.
Once you have registered, check the website regularly for updated information.
Schedules will be available on the site commencing early March 2019. After the middle of March you should check daily since the last two weeks before the tournament tend to be like the stock market "Volatile"